Sunday, September 27, 2009

Topical Vitamin-C anti-aging

Topical vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a popular vitamin being added to skin care products. Currently there's plenty of advertising claims of topical formulation containing antioxidants that will protect against & reverse aging. However, the truth is that plenty of of the available formulations contain low concentrations of antioxidants that are not well absorbed by the skin. Vitamin C on the other hand, is an antioxidant, which when manufactured in to a stable topical formulation, is proven to be effective in protecting against photoaging of the skin.
Vitamin C

How does topical vitamin C work?

Topical vitamin C has shown to protect the skin from UV damage caused by prolonged sun exposure by reducing the amount of free radical formation and/or sunburn cells. Exposure to UV light has also shown to decrease the naturally occurring vitamin C levels in the skin, thus topical application of vitamin C restores these photoprotectant levels. Other studies also suggest that vitamin C may play a part in the collagen biosynthetic pathway by activating collagen metabolism & dermal synthesis of elastic fibres.
What is topical vitamin C used for?

To understand how topical vitamin C works an understanding of the relationship between free radicals & antioxidants in the body is necessary.
Free radicals are molecules created as a by-product of oxygen metabolism as our bodies generate energy at the cellular level. Basically, the oxygen molecule loses one electron, turning it in to a free radical.
Free radical formation can also be augmented by external factors such as pollutants, sunlight, radiation, emotional stress, smoking, excessive alcohol, infection, & some drugs.
Free radicals float around the body looking for electrons to rebalance themselves. If necessary, free radicals steal electrons from normal healthy cells, this being the cause of various conditions ranging from accelerated ageing to deadly cancers.
Antioxidants protect healthy cells by donating an electron to the free radicals. The body produces antioxidants naturally & they can also get them from the foods they eat & from supplements.

Studies have shown the following benefits of using topical vitamin C preparations.
Improve skin appearance by reducing fine lines & wrinkles.
Wound healing as it aids in stabilising collagen.
Protects against or lessens the severity of sunburns.

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