Sunday, September 27, 2009

Asbestos causes Mesothelioma

There's one types of asbestos that were used and still used to this day. Chrysotile and amphibole. Both are hazardous and both have been proven to cause Mesothelioma.

People hear from CEO's and other leaders of companies that we work telling and reassuring them it is safe, who are we to argue. Now is the time to stand up and say, portray how this is safe. Asbestos causes Mesothelioma. In other words, cancer.

The reason Mesothelima is so hard to diagnose, for the fact that it takes 10-15 years for symptoms to even surface. So plenty of companies used asbestos for the fact that it worked. It was a great insulation and filler. It worked, and that was what mattered. It was not until Occupational Safety and Heath Administration (OSHA) set standards of safety for work places. Contact with asbestos can be minimal for destroy to be finished. As tiny as 3 months of exposure can cause Mesothelima.

Mesothelioma is hard to diagnose. There will be tests to rule out a quantity of other conditions. CAT scans and MRI's are finished. Those tests are looking for large amounts of liquid and abnormal cell growth and other distinctive signs of this cancer.

Mesothelmia is fatal expect with the exceptions of Stephen Jay Gould and Paul Kraus, who have both written of their experiences. Some famous people that have died from Mesothelmia are Paul Gleason, best known for as the principal in the movie The Breakfast Club and Paul Rudolph an American architect.
There have been a lot of articles written with head lines "Is this killer in your home" or "What you don't know can kill you." Understanding Mesothelmia gives a person the advantage in their fight to be the exception and survive, and educate others who may be in danger of exposure

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